Slam everyone,
Tonight I"m working on my last night shift & now i' feeling very tired due to playing futsal at BSRC from 19 00 hrs to 22 00 hrs..3hrs of non-stop action.We managed to dominate our opponent which was the team from Swiss Hotel K.B.The team was broken into 4 groups,Each with 5 team members but that's from our team.I pity our opponent cause their players aren't that much,only 2 groups.So that's why we manage to beat our opponent due to the big number of players from our team.He he..
But the climax of the night was the team I so called it 'rojak'.This 'rojak' team consist of us playing against each other.It was hell of a mess where the ball was flying everywhere.From one end to the other.It was fun.We were like 12 years old kids that just started playing futsal.Oh ya!!My young bro-in-law also joined us play & he manage to score 1 goal considering how rojak the court was..Congrats boy!he he..At the end of the day my 'rojak' team won with the score of ??? (can't tired to think)Lol!!
BTW 10 minutes before our game ended my wife got breathing difficulty.I ask her to drink plenty of water so that she have enough oxygen in her body.Her kidney also attacked her lately.Can't do anything about that cause it was there since she was in high school.No,since she was still a baby.She just has to take a rest & drink plenty of water & let the pain disappear by itself...Love you dear!Get well soon..
Well i guess that's all for tonight,Actually a lot happened today but I'm very tired to talk about it..need plenty of rest.Well till next time..Alastalavista!!
p/s: Dear,I love & miss you so much!!Wish I can hug you tonight...
/|\ <--nada kerja :)
GooD Day..
Greetings people..
Welcome again to my blog.As yesterday,me and my wife was planning to go to Bandar to see the sun set at the Empire hotel & watch movies but since my youngest daughter had caught a fever we decided to stay in K.B in case any emergency happens(thank god nothing happened) and just hang out to this lovely restaurant at K.B town.It was a very romantic night.Although it was a simple night out but we enjoyed ourselves.We spend our time there for about 2 hours talking,eating,laughed at each other & flash back the good old days.And guess what I feel in love with my wife again last night.I really can't remember how many times I've been in love with her for this couple of years.Hehe,baby if you are reading this I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!
Anyway,our food last night was some what i say ''healthy''.My wife ate this salmon fish which is good for her diet & i ate ostrich..Yup!! ostrich & know what,its full of protein & iron.Much better more is that it is less in cholesterol.Huh!!Good for making babies too..kalah kambing!!If you know what i mean.So gents,all should try this(now that's a tip from a father of 3)hehe..tapi mesti yang kahwin lah yang nda kahwin atu makan daging dah cukup.Payah mencari tempat release karang.
As the night in the restaurant ends we manage to signed in to a lucky draw contest which i don't have a clue when are they going to draw it and took our picture for our lovely anniversary memory.Oh what a night it was..
Now I'm at work,being the CRO(operator) for tonight.Miss my family so much especially my son and young daughter that is sick right now.Sorry kids daddy can't take care of you tonight.Duty calls..
Well i guess that all for today..Alastalavista!!
P/S : Miss you dear ('_')
Finally the day that i've been waited has arraived.So happy today cause my plan to surprise my wife worked.Haha,she doesn't even had a clue that i'm on leave today.So tadi pagi pura-puralah aku ni akhir bangun.Haha,remembered dimalam even before bed sampat lagi ya menyamal sal i didn't took my leave..Surprise dear!!
But there was a twist jualah..Ingat i was the one yang pintar bagi ia surprise.Rupanya she also planed to surprise me.After i woke up she gave me an aniversary gift lah!!Oh ya,it was a big one with a heart shape box.Lawa! Tapi yang membari sasak to the max dalam kotak atu ada lagi isi macam sheraded paper.After i remove the paper,there's another gift box!!Penyeluru banar my wife atu tapi nasib lah that box was the last that i have to open.Inside was a complete season of Nickolodean Avatar.Happy lah saya.So esok i go to work ada juakan di buat.Bawa my crew liat cartoon lah ni esok.Gerenti ada hit ni esok..hehe.Karak cartoon kali
So far no plan for today.Masih tunggu my wife decision where she wannna go.Actually i have a plan tapi let that plan will be for next year sal kesian jua my wife if every year aku ja yang surprise my wife.Last year already ya kena oleh ku..hehe
ok that all folks..nanti nanti lagi ku cerita.
HELEW!!! : )
hello everyone..
Been a while i post a blog.A lot i mean a lot had happened since my last post.1st of all i'd like to apologize to c.t for calling her bitch.It wasn't my intention to call you dat ok.Time to be good since you dah bebaik with my wife.Krg galat rasanya if tani bejumpa dikadai ka mana ka..kan?Hehe..
Anywayy...forget about that.Today i dengar-dengar from my wife that ada orang urat ia tadi masa she jalan-jalan with her friends.Ada ka patut..But nda apalah my wife makin hari makin lawa,mana nda laki-laki yang nda tau malu and nda tau statusnya yang dah berkahwin ngurat kedia.kan kan kan...Nda apa nanti ya if ku jumpa ku hug hug n kiss kiss my wife dapan dorang atu.haha..PUNSIA ja lah boys!!She's all mine(actually this is not the words that i wanna type)mun paham bisai kan sayang (",)
What else?hmmm..oh ya,ESOK HARI RAYA!!!!Nda bah.Tomorrow is actually my 5th aniversary with my wife.Horey!! alhamdulillah,Syukur..5 tahun kami hadapi dugaan sama-sama and i can't lie,its been tough.To tell you all the truth,me and my wife had been together dari 2001 lagi..So imagine what type of shit that we had to go through sampai ke hari ani.Fitnah,back stabber,Fire stone dan seketurunan yang sewaktu dengannya.Rasa ku semua sudah kami hadapi.Kan cramp already my brain to figure human ability yang canggih di zaman modern ani..Biar ALLAH saja lah yang membalas jasa dorang yang dorang rasa baik atu.
Hehe,out of topic dahh.Actually what i wanna say is..
My lovely wife NURUL WAZNAH QUATIQAH,I LOVE U so much from the bottom of my heart.No one can replace you.For me you will always be in my heart no matter where you are today,tomorrow & forever..Thank you for loving me,taking care of me,giving birth to 3 of our wonderfull kids.Been patient with me since 2001.I know its been hard after all the years we've been through but if we're together...WE ARE ONE..I LOVE YOU SAYANG!!!HAPPY ANIVERSARY